Quality Chain of Custody Flow Cytometry Cytokine Clinical
HITS offers a comprehensive list of assays to characterize the immune response utilizing qualified and calibrated equipment.
HITS has participated in more than TEN major clinical studies that involve reception, cataloguing and storage of >10 000 clinical specimens and analysis of >5000 specimens. Staff regularly consult on study design and assay design for assays that will be performed within HITS.
Our mission is to provide our clients the highest standard of quality, expertise and knowledge in immune monitoring for clinical samples. It is our goal that by doing so we advance the development of new and current immunotherapies for patients.
Flow Cytometry and Automated Staining Services
HITS has dedicated use of a self-contained facility which houses qualified laboratory equipment, including a CytoFLEX LX flow cytometer that accommodates 16-colour sample analyses and high throughput sampling, and also has exclusive use of a Biomek NXp Automated Workstation. The Biomek NXp Automated Workstation, with an integrated centrifuge, supports hands-free operation and minimizes operator variability.
Something New is Coming: MIBIscope™ System for Multiplexed Tissue Imaging
A revolutionary technology for analysis of the tumor microenvironment:
Data Analysis
HITS now offers machine learning applications for high dimensional cytometry data.
Reach out to HITS for additional information!